Nana Has Wrinkles

Learning and loving in a world that spares no words.

Ahh, February!


It’s here! The most maligned month of the year is upon us. Always a fan of this cute little 28 day calendar page, I was shocked to learn that many people, most people, don’t share my joy about the month of my birth. Think about it, friends–someone tells you that in the next 28 days you will still be paid as much as you are for a 31 day month, there will be a holiday involving love and chocolate and flowers, AND!, there will be a paid holiday thrown in for good measure! Don’t you think that should make your skirt flutter? But, no. Sadly, like most others, you will whine and complain and barely hang on just to get through this month.

Here are just a few “how to love February” tips. Try to make your house glittery and sparkly and red, with a little candle glow thrown in for good measure. Get lots of battery operated candles with built-in timers from Restoration Hardware and set them to go on as the shadows get long at 4:30 in the afternoon and go off at your bedtime. As the sun sets, your house will glow, automatically, courtesy of batteries and timers and your wonderful eye for picking up cheap sparkly things. Oh, and don’t forget the disco balls. Disco balls are all that during the month of February.

This is a picture of my Pottery Barn dough bowl filled to the brim with silver and white ornaments and a candle all aglow, with a few disco balls thrown in for good measure. I love this big old bowl and have fun filling it with seasonal joy throughout the year. To see an entire post about dough bowls, visit the fabulous Nesting Place.

Spread the sparkle, eat the chocolate, enjoy the flowers and shower all your pretty ones with love.

posted under On Being a Nana
2 Comments to

“Ahh, February!”

  1. Avatar February 9th, 2011 at 11:04 PM Whit Says:

    I decorated the place yesterday with sparkles and red things! Love that dough bowl. I crave to be around it with family. By the way, you forgot to mention another wonderful event that happens in February… your birthday!!! Horray!

  2. Avatar February 25th, 2011 at 12:39 PM Lindsey Says:

    I love the way you decorate! So cozy.

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