Nana Has Wrinkles

Learning and loving in a world that spares no words.

National Heart Health Month


So, here are are again. February is National Heart Health Month. It’s a cute tie-in to Valentines Day, I suppose, but that’s about it. There a barrage of talk about living a healthy lifestyle, much of which centers around daily exercise.

Really? Have they looked out my window? I can barely walk down my driveway to get the paper much less take off on a briskly paced jaunt around the block. The ice and snow of this cute little month produce copious amounts of exercise guilt and stress. Then guess what happens? Up shoots that darned old blood pressure again!

Here is a brief brochure that contains warning signs of heart disease in women and issues to consider in our never-enidng attempt to live a long and healthy life.

Friday, February 4 is Wear Red Day, designated as such to draw attention to the heart healthy ways to which we should all adhere. I’ll wear red (if I remember–but that’s another story!), and I’ll be the one in the corner eating ice cream and texting someone about moving this celebration to the month of May.

posted under On Being a Nana

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