Nana Has Wrinkles

Learning and loving in a world that spares no words.

Missing Gracie


Garth Stein’s The Art of Racing in the Rain is really a tough book to read after you’ve lost a good and faithful dog, but it’s strangely cathartic, too. Our Gracie dog succumbed to a brain tumor in December of 2011. There is nothing like being greeted with a wagging tale, wet nose, and unconditional love after a long day away from the nest. We still miss her every single day. Stein uses Enzo the terrier, loyal companion to race car driver Denny, as the narrator for his story. The book chronicles Denny’s charmed and troubled life through Enzo’s eyes. If you are a dog person, you will love this book. Enzo is a character who will linger in your mind, and when you pet your dog, I bet you’ll hear his voice.

posted under Good Books
2 Comments to

“Missing Gracie”

  1. Avatar March 18th, 2012 at 5:30 PM Caitlin Says:

    Jason absolutely loves this book! I haven’t read it, I’ve never had a dog – though Jason says I’d still enjoy it.

  2. Avatar March 18th, 2012 at 6:00 PM Linda Says:

    You would love it, Caitlin. It’s a great story and the unique voice of the narrator makes it a very sweet read.

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